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Parkinson illness is a disease that is born slowly and insidiously and is caused by the brain's lack of dopamine. This illness begins with hand shake, muscle stiffness and slow motion which at the age of 70 can be noticed in every 100 people.One of the substances that is produced by the brain c

  • Medical advises


Health in a general definition is the normal functioning of the body and the brain for a long time without having any illness, pain or any disability. In order to be healthy, besides the genetic characteristics, are important nutrition and physical, social and economic conditions. The aging of commu

  • Medical advises

Heart Rhythm Disorders

Prof. Dr. Remzi KaraoguzKoc University Hospital - Department of Cardiology Heart has a special working rule that works naturally. Some external factors like the medicines we use, the hormones in our bodies, or the sympathetic nervous system affect the speed of the heart. In an adult person 60-100 he

  • Medical advises


Dr. Fatih Selçuk BiricikKoç University Hospital - Medical Oncology Cancer is the uncontrolled or abnormal transformation, growth and proliferation of DNA after a damage in DNA. We are able to get rid of these damaged DNA cells and mutation with a program that we call "apoptosis" and contin